Here's a recent scribble depicting the Milwaukee BMX layout
Upcoming Meetings:
Club meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month starting February 7th. They are open to all that can attend and have an interest in Milwaukee BMX. As always, Bennos is the place at 74th and Greenfield in West Allis and 7 p.m. is the time.
Track Work Weekends:
One of our members is optimistic that we can condense the majority of spring track maintenance into a "Walworth" type program in which a large amount of people come out on one weekend and tackle as many of the tasks associated with spring clean up as possible. Walworth's indoor track builds start on Friday and generally are completely wrapped up by Sunday afternoon of one weekend.
To that end ... please save the following dates as "track maintenance" dates:
April 20-21-22
April 27-28-29 (alternate for weather - if it looks like too many people will be lost to the ABA Cajun National - we can back off another week)