Saturday, December 09, 2006

More NAG(ging)

We're happy to pass along the following note from Mike Welch -- who reminds us that the WI-01 riders profiled in a previous post are not the only Wisconsin riders to earn NAG honors this year ... We send our congratulations to both Dallas and Desiree for top finishes against national competition.


Just thought I'd mention that two other Wisconsin riders ended the year with some
super strong nationals this year to end up with NAG plates.

Dallas Weimer is NAG 7 on his cruiser (13 year old) and Desiree Roeder is NAG 3 in 11girls. Those are two kids that pretty much everyone racing in Wisconsin knows. Dallas started racing when he was 4 and i think Desi has been racing for at least 4 or 5
years now.

Mike Welch


Thanks for the heads up Mike.

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